Go Floppy!!(But technically  Jiggly Puff!)

Books And Series you Should Read

Please read all these books!! I totally read all of them, AND THEY ARE AWESOME!!!
The first book on my top 6 list is The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod and the whole series.

Number 2, Pretty Little Liars!
Number 3, The Clique Series.
Number 4, The Giver
Number 5, The Tale of Desperaoux.
Number 6, The Twilight Saga ( I love all the movies, and Robert Pattinson!). 
Number 7, Violet on the Runway
And last but not least number 8 (8 is my least favorite out of my top 6 favorite), The Tail of Emily Windsnap.
I shall not tell you what they are about because you should read them. And i will say, i read every single one of them!
 THANKS!!!!!!!!!  :D
